Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Tuesday Thoughts
It is Tuesday morning, and I know that if I don't jot down a few things now, the rest of this week will run away. Life can be a whirlwind, yet caught up in that swirl tends to be what makes me thrive. The quiet early morning moments are when I reflect and many times when the world slows down enough around me that the whole household seems to take a collective exhale.
:: I love that our little homestead, seems to be such an inviting place for wildlife. The fact that a pair of foxes seems to have taken up residence, hasn't deterred the little herd of deer that seems to grace us with their quiet beauty every dawn and dusk. I wonder if we will see babies in a couple of months taking their first uncertain steps under our gaze.
:: You would think that the netted roof of the chicken run could withstand anything after making it through our 27 inches of snow in one night last February. Oh no, we get five inches of heavy white stuff and it collapses like a house of cards. Poor girls are now quarantined inside the barn until we can get in and build a new roof. I feel bad that they are stuck in doors when the weather has been so mild, yet I know they have had a great winter so far and due to the above wildlife, letting them out un-roofed would be disastrous.
:: I'm so proud that as of last night B is officially on the Board of Directors for the Wild Root Market! I can't wait to see our co-op come to fruition!
:: My alphabet February in the Postcards to Blog Camp project went really well! I made it through unscathed, though sometimes perplexed when the day began. It sure makes the last three 'free shot' days of the month seem like a breeze!
:: My grandmother passed away early last Saturday morning. This week's swirl is filled with flashes of memory coupled with wrapping up the business month end, and hopping on a plane on Thursday. Thankfully, the members of my family have been blessed with long and full lives. Now is the time to remember and celebrate that life, while holding my grandfather's hand.
Friday, February 24, 2012
After a lackluster winter, we wake up this morning to real snow. A heavy, wet, Spring-like snow that encapsulates everything in wonder. Today, we can turn the kids out after school to build snowmen, have snow ball fights, and finally they will have some good sledding. Happy Weekend!
Monday, February 20, 2012
One Task Always Leads To Another
Have you ever noticed that one project always seems to lead into another? Back in November B and I spent a little time making some pallet shelves that I'd pinned on pinterest. We had not gotten around to hanging them, so I decided that would be my project today. As a way to further procrastinate, while in the basement looking for hardware to hang the shelves I came across an old window that I found in the barn while we were building the shelves. My intention had been to make a project of it on a snowy winter day. Since winter really hasn't materialized, at least as I had envisioned, I decided that I would start working on that project too.
Windows Cleaned up, Shelving hung, so what's next? Well put something on those darned shelves! I look at the adjacent floor to ceiling bookcase and pick a few items to go on the shelves and then decide the bookcase needs a complete overhaul. Let's just say that I no longer feel guilty for missing the gym today. Sixty years worth of National Geographics by the armload up to the attic, took care of any calisthenics and weight lifting that I needed today.
So now, our blank little upstairs hallway that has had precious little hanging in it since we moved to the homestead almost 5 years ago is slowly filling up with precious pieces, and everything feels fresh and new.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
It's hard to believe that I'm sitting here in the middle of February with a few windows open and listening to the sounds of birds return. As we headed out to soccer this morning, sure enough, I caught the first glimpse of crocus' peeking through. That was enough to inspire me to do a little light clean up. Who wants to be doing indoor chores when the sun is calling?
I began dead heading a plants that I'd left up for winter interest and with the lack of snow just look dead and scraggly. Funny how these things start, I did the one bed and then another. Then decided to walk the yard in the glorious sunshine to pick up the trash that had blown in over the last few months. As I get close to the barn, I begin to inspect the asparagus bed. It will be some of the first produce to come up in the spring. As I look for little tops, I notice not only is the bed almost completely thawed but there are actually weeds growing! So one thing leads to another, I set down the collected trash and weed. I had almost forgotten how good it feels to get my hands dirty in the garden.
Now, do I take all of this back to the fire pit? No, it occurs to me that maybe a few avian would appreciate a lush green snack. That they did, attacking it like it was candy. All the while the rooster kept a watchful eye on his harem to make sure they all got their fill. I'm sure the winter (though I use that term loosely this year) is not over yet, and maybe I have just jinxed myself by getting my hands dirty early, but it sure feels like Spring outside!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The last few days there has been a flurry of activity. Here's a snapshot~
I had double duty scouting yesterday with the cub scout blue and gold banquet directly following our girl scout meeting. It was so busy going from work to scouting to scouting that I didn't even get to give proper attention to the iPhone 4s upgrade I finally was able to get for us! Yay!
Today we got our schedule finagled so that we can be in California for my cousin's wedding in July! So excited; sure to be a fantastic trip and the kiddos will get to hit a few San Diego activities that they have never done before.
We are getting the other house listed this week and I'm going to remain positive that this will be the year that we can finally end that chapter.
I simply love flipboard! If you don't use it, check it out. As I did my perusing over coffee this morning, I found this list making ap called Clear. I'm just learning to navigate it, but a cool by product is the layout of the little scribbling above.
In the busyness of everyday life, I hope your tea leaves make you clear!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Whittling Chip
Today was a big day for my cub scout. We went out early this morning in 8 degree temps and headed to a little boy scout office in Union Grove. On Tuesday at their Blue and Gold Banquet, he and his den will be bridging to level 1 Webelos and today's activity was the final right of passage to advancement. Today they earned their whittling chip certification and got their pocket knives.
We arrived at the small office that had no heat and watched as the eagle scout lit a fire in the little pot bellied stove. We stayed bundled up and the kids learned all of the safety rules and did their first whittling. I think every scout should learn these skills with numb hands! HA! It was quite a fun morning and now, all my proud scout wants to do is carve up every bar of soap in the house!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Snow Moon
Some days I get a spark of energy by the glow that begins to illuminate the window shade. Other mornings, I go about my business and catch a glimpse. This was the bleary eyed glimpse kind of morning. I got the sick girl some toast and took her temp, made Charles' lunch and then went to feed the cat. As I turned to head downstairs I looked up and caught the tail end of the snow moon setting with wisps of clouds all around. Then with a sens of urgency I ran downstairs, changed lenses and hoped that I could get back upstairs before it set completely. I didn't have time to grab and set up my tripod, but not too bad for holding my breath and as still as possible. Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Alphabetical Irony
G is for Grapes.
This month in Postcards To Blog Camp, we are following a challenge within a challenge, so to speak. Each day we are submitting a photo of the date's corresponding letter of the alphabet. Believe it or not this is quite a brain teaser. Each day I get up, think of what letter we are on and then try to brainstorm words and conjure up images of things to photograph. In addition, I'm trying to stay away from the usual suspects. I submitted D~D'uccle, so refrained from E~Egg or F~Feather. I think knowing what I do not want to do has assisted in mentally blocking me from shots. Interestingly, the following day, in retrospect, I can come up with several would be shots that I could have taken. As I sit home with Sidney today and glance over at her flushed cheeks, it immediately occurs to me I could have submitted a shot for Fever versus the one of Frost I posted yesterday. Hmmm F's for hot and cold how is that for alphabetical irony?
Friday, February 3, 2012
Perceptive Little Devils
Kids say the darnedest things. This week I couldn't stop laughing at the little quips that kept coming out of their mouths. Sidney always tends to be very verbose, where Charles hams up everything he says with a voice or expression (much like his father). After a day or two, I decided to start writing a few of their gems down. Oh! I must do that more often!
Sidney: "Mommy, you know, you're kind of like a rent a clown, if you think about it. People rent you to come to their parties and do Norwex tricks."
Charles: "Mama, mama, wow! Have you ever tried to count your freckles?!" (have no clue where this one came from, completely out of the blue. I think he was trying to get my attention away from something I was working on. It was early morning before school and we were at work. It was at this moment that I began writing things down).
Me: "Charles, you have to do your cover for your poetry project. You know your name and a title and decorate it." Charles: "Mama, I want to put a poem on the front." Me: "Well you already have all of your submissions on the inside." Charles "sheesh, it will be a short one, just a couplet or something." Yup, coming up with that thought, he got his way!
What made you laugh this week? I think I'm going to start keeping regular count, I only got a few actually written down, not always have a scrap at my fingertips to capture the moment. No matter the day, take a moment to really take in what your kids say in conversation. You will be amazed and entertained. Perceptive little devils! Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Postcards January PAD
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#tbt Circa September 2004 & July 2008. These two have been buds since Mia was 2 and Sidney 6 months old. Yesterday Mia gradu...
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