Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whittling Chip

Today was a big day for my cub scout.  We went out early this morning in 8 degree temps and headed to a little boy scout office in Union Grove.  On Tuesday at their Blue and Gold Banquet, he and his den will be bridging to level 1 Webelos and today's activity was the final right of passage to advancement.  Today they earned their whittling chip certification and got their pocket knives. 

We arrived at the small office that had no heat and watched as the eagle scout lit a fire in the little pot bellied stove.  We stayed bundled up and the kids learned all of the safety rules and did their first whittling.  I think every scout should learn these skills with numb hands! HA!  It was quite a fun morning and now, all my proud scout wants to do is carve up every bar of soap in the house!

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