Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One Word Wednesday~ Dynamic


For the next few weeks we are posting over at Sally G's  for One Word Wednesday.  Jillsygirl is taking a break while she prepares for family holiday fun!  Thanks for hosting Sally!

dy·nam·ic [ dī námmik ]

**Vigorous and purposeful: full of energy, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose and able both to get things going and to get things done.

What a perfect word as we prepare for a season full of activity!  Loads of travels to family.  The Hustle and bustle of gift making, baking, cooking and visiting.  I'm prepping to head out of town right now, our Thanksgiving drive to Kansas commences on Friday afternoon.  So much to do and I'm a bit draggy instead of my typical dynamic self as I'm trying to fight some bug, grrr!  Draggy or not, I will be able to both get things going and get things done (i.e. get this family of four on the road)!

**Active and changing: characterized by vigorous activity and producing or undergoing change and development.

Sidney has had a huge project she's been working on and it consumed all of our time yesterday.  So I was belated in going through Charles' folder.  I found the note this morning that his teacher is going on a leave of absence for an indeterminate period of time and he will have a substitute.  Quite unexpected, and I suspect will produce an interesting new dynamic that he and his classmates will have to adjust to.

**Relating to energy and motion: involving or relating to energy and forces that produce motion.

Today, we are blog hopping! Such a perfect picture. The wonderful dynamics of this group dynamically hopping from blog to blog to read about each others dynamic illustrations!


  1. Talk about Perfect Pictures - I could look at that balloon in that tree ALL DAY! What a fascinating shot!!

    I love how you broke it up and laced it all together again. Beautiful!

    I hope you feel better before Friday! (And I hope Charles's teacher will be okay in time too.)

  2. Nice post. Being busy for the holidays is what brought me to the word dynamic. I wanted to come up with a word that would convey that energy.

  3. What a creative way to depict the word! I, too, am feeling very draggy the past couple of days. Here's to both of us getting our vigor and dynamics back in order!

  4. BTW...I forgot to mention how much I LOVE this photo!! It's amazing and I want to keep looking at it!

  5. Wonderful photo and I what a perfect example of dynamic - this blog hop!!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. Love that photo!

    I hope Charles' adjustment to a new teacher goes smoothly!

    Safe travels!!
