Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One Word Wednesday~ Connect

Funny,  my mind jumps to so many things when I think about this word.  Things like how dependent we all seem to be on being 'connected' or plugged in all of the time.  Yet it is a double edged sword.  Being connected brings us to new communities of people and new experiences.  Being connected allows us flexibility to log in and work from home.  Hmmm, is this flexibility or a new self-imposed view of responsibility?   Being connected is both a blessing and a burden and as with anything else needs to be balanced.

 Then I look at how interconnected people are.  Families, friends, neighborhoods, communities.  People brought together by common ground, common good, common goals.  In today's world recognizing the similarities of our interconnectedness may be the only thing that bridges the oh so publicized differences that seem to overpower us. 

I reflect on the connection I felt the moment I met the man who was to be my husband.  The connection I felt with my babies when they were born.  The connection I feel with kindred friendships. The connection I felt the moment I stepped onto our farmstead.  These are some connections in my life that are interconnected, plugged in, and that pull me, like a compass needle, to my center.

Join me for One Word Wednesday over at Jillsygirl.  We would not be able to celebrate all of these wonderful words if we weren't all connected.


  1. First of all ~ I just LOVE that photo! My eyes said "WOW" the second your page came up!

    And, you said it perfectly about how all your connections pull you to your center. They definitely make us who we are. Great post!!

  2. Our need to be connected to our world is so different than even 10 years ago. How lost would we be without our cell phones and smartphones and notebook computers!

    Great post!

  3. The 24/7 technological connection is for sure a double-edged sword. Though it sure helps us develop our Balance muscles!

    I love the connections I'm making online, but also have to take little respites along the way to ensure my perspective on all that matters doesn't get warped.

    My heart sings at the heart connections I've made over the years too ~ I've learned so much about myself while in relationship with others. I'm a better person as a result.

    Great post, thank you!

  4. Good connection post. Love the energy of your picture!

  5. Good point about the responsibilities and need of balance in our connections - and also about how they make us who we are, or perhaps bring out more of ourselves. Great post and love the photo!!
