Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mom, Dreams Really Do Come True!

A few weeks ago, on one of our regular Sundays,  a very unusual thing happened.  Sidney came running up to me saying..."Mom!  Dreams really do come true!  One of my dreams has always been to hold a wild bird and I just did,  dad got it on his iPhone!"  Yes, indeed.  A small sparrow got stuck in the barn and allowed my little girl to approach it and pick it up.  Once outside, she set it free.  Off it went into the crisp Autumn air.

I wonder how she dreams?  Does she have a succinct list of dreams, or just vague longings? I've always been very much a list maker.  But when it comes to dreams, or achievements, my thoughts are much more broad and become more refined in the moments preceding my achievement of one.  Many bloggy friends make a bucket list of sorts for things they want to accomplish in a certain period of time, or by some landmark.  Today, I am two years from my 40th year.  I feel like I'm constantly working on and realizing my dreams.  Maybe a goal for the coming year will be to try to better articulate each milestone I want to achieve.  Something to think about, this day, as I revel in the simple splendor of one of my daughters dreams.


  1. How wonderful that she learns so early in life, that dreams DO come true :-)

  2. Freckles rock, I hope she knows that.

  3. Such a sweet picture of fulfilled satisfaction!

    And thanks for commenting on my blog about the Crazy Quilt
