Saturday, December 4, 2010

#reverb10 ~Day 4 ~ Wonder

I think today's prompt for #reverb10 is simply perfect.  Wonder.  How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?

This morning we woke up to everything covered in a pure white blanket.  The first accumulating snow of the season.  This sight is enough to strike up a feeling of wonder in anyone!  Waking up to this made me feel just like those kids coming out of school earlier this week lighting up and yelling S-N-O-W! with just a flurry in the air. 

I have always had a sense of wonder, and innate desire to feel the light hearted awe stemming from everything that surrounds me.  Having two young children who wake up each morning and drift to sleep every night loving me is a beautiful wonder.  Watching their minds work, figure out and reason is an amazing wonder.  It occurs to me that cultivating wonder is cyclical.  Cultivating wonder is simply loving my children and allowing them to experience all that life has to offer.  Then there is the great benefit that we as parents get by being able to live through their experience with them.  A full circle.

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