Tuesday, December 14, 2010

#reverb10 ~ Day 14 ~ Appreciate

Appreciate. What's the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it?  #reverb10

I appreciate the simple beauty around me.

I am grateful for the risks that we have taken so that we can work really hard in order to:

Relish a nightly stroll to look at the garden and what little landmarks of growth that have been surpassed.
Marvel in the crazy social order of the chickens out for an evening scratch.
Find solice in the light at different times of day and how it can completely change my perspective.
Gaze with pride at our children who can run free, and just play.  As a result of joining us for strolls they can spot many a variety of bird and name most trees on the homestead by name.
I appreciate being able to bask in the simple beauties around me and am so grateful that I get to share them with those I love.

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