Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful:

:: that the insurance company is going to cover the loss of our radiology unit due to last weeks storm.

:: we can pick pint fulls of blackberries and are enjoying every mouth-watering bite.

:: for lemonade stands and making lemonade out of lemons.

:: the humidity has eased into crisp mornings followed by warm days.

:: we leave on vacation in two days!

What are you thankful for this week?? If you don't blog, leave a comment here or on my facebook page. Thanks to MissBuckle for inspiring this exercise :)


  1. thankful, grateful and loving life to the full right now :)

  2. Impressive "thankful" list! I love your butterfly and the contrast of colors. Lovely!

  3. i am thankful that our son is on a new track to hopefully help him heal.....a psychologist is a wonderful gift when things get tough.
