Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Bounty Hands
I am thankful:

:: that we made it through our first fair, and enjoyed every exhausting minute of it.

:: that the garden, despite a very cool June, has allowed us to have farm bags every week (week 5 going home now)!

:: for zyrtec~ truly saved my life yesterday!

:: for thunderstorms (tho' I may have to curse the one we had this week by the end of today, we'll see what the equipment repair man says at work today).

:: that the boy lights up at the words soccer practice

:: that Sid, walks the garden and can name everything, even pulled the word perennial out appropriately last night.

:: that even during the tough times, there is always something to be thankful for!

What are you thankful for this week?? If you don't blog, leave a comment here or on my facebook page. Thanks to MissBuckle for inspiring this exercise :)


  1. i went blackberry picking last week and oooh yum yum yum... so delicious!

  2. what a sweet list and wonderful photo! I'd be ever so grateful for a thunderstorm, myself!
