In today's fast paced world, do we take the time to really enjoy? Doesn't it seem like we all are constantly moving from thing to thing? Is this constant busyness the kind of example that we want our children to emulate as adults? Maybe it is this unusual winter, or just a frame of mind, but our focus has turned inward. This is not to say that we have become hermits, or that we have stopped our involvement with friends, activities or the community. Only that we are hanging hats at the door when we get home at night and really enjoying the time together, the simple pleasures at our own pace.
If you had to put together a short list of the important things for your family, what would you choose?
Time spent at home, with no place to go. Sitting together and chatting or watching TV or listening to music. Playing with our cat Chase Bird. Laughing together. All very important. :-)