Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tweet, Tweet, Honk

As spring approaches I am beginning to hear more birds chirping and can catch a glimpse of them coming out of there confinement here and there. Mostly, we still have lots of Canada geese about. In particular one yard between here and work has hundereds of them.  It seems to be a stopping place for them.  I think that the owners of one of the houses feeds them, so they just set up shop there.  Today on the way home from school we stopped so that I could catch a few pictures of them.  Their symphony of honks was mesmorizeing and served as the perfect backdrop for capturing the scene.  Are you starting to see the early signs of spring life?

This post is part of Jillsy Girl Studio's prompt me segment. This weeks prompt is actually a month long photography challenge called tweets around the world.  Click on this to get all of the details and join in the fun!

1 comment:

  1. As I had commented on flickr, these birds are one of my favorites, unfortunately we mostly only get to see them flying overhead.
