Monday, March 21, 2011

Almost Half My Life

I mentioned last week that my dad had gotten all of the still photos from when we were growing up digitized to preserve them.  Yesterday afternoon, since it poured buckets all day,  I sat down to peruse more of them.  It was fun to see pictures of the whole family and what we looked like 'back when.'  I think I've got some great photos of my cousins which may appear on fb shortly :).
But mostly, I was struck by the thought that B has been a part of my life for almost half of my life.  Not only do I get to see my whole family younger and remember with a tear those who have now started to pass.  But I realize how much and for how long B has been part of that family.  After all we have been together for 18 years, my brother Billy was just 16 when we met!
I certainly don't feel like that much time has passed or that we are getting older, but the pictures do seem to tell a different story, don't they?  I guess as I look back at the young pictures of ourselves riding off into the sunset, I can see we have seized every moment.   I am so glad that as we grow into different phases, there are plenty more sunsets for us to chase in this life adventure of ours. 
Happy 13th Anniversary B!


  1. wonderful present to B! You guys were so cute together back then too. Much love to you both.

  2. it's really hard to believe that the years run so fast. What a good idea to digitize the still photos.

  3. Happy anniversary! We crossed the halfway mark a few years ago. Weird, isn't it?

  4. isn't that an amazing feeling ?
    we celebrated 26 years of marriage in december and started dating in high 30 years together....way more than half of my 46 years of living....happy anniversary to you both !
