Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ice Boulders

 As I drove back to work this afternoon in that post viral, still feel like I was hit by a truck fog, I realized that the landscape that had been blanketed so thickly in close to 3 feet of snow over last week now takes on a different feel.  The magical wonderland has transitioned into one out of the middle ages.  The efforts to make roads passable until snow can actually be removed has enclosed us in a city that is protected by giant walls of ice boulders.  This isn't and isolated phenomena.  Either side of the road, the medians, parking lots, truly anything that you would see when out in the car has been transformed into walls ranging from 4 feet to 10 feet or higher.  So as we settle into our evenings and the kids have gone to bed, we watch BBC Masterpiece classics (so love Netflix on demand!) and are transported to times and places where fortified walls encapsulated communities, much as ours has been, at least until the thaw.


  1. WHOA!! Have you been watching "Downton Abbey"? We're really enjoying it.

  2. Yes! Love Downton Abbey! We just finished North and South last night, if you haven't seen it, it's worth it!

  3. No, haven't watched that. Will have to see if it's on "On Demand".

  4. youve still got so much snow! and i love the bbc classics too. swoon!

  5. Wow, I can't imagine that much snow! I love how you compared it to fortresses of old. Wish I had time for some BBC classics. Screen them for me and let me know which ones I need to find on Netflix (I hope they're there!)
