Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One Word Wednesday~ Circle

Down the rabbit hole we go!

"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise 
than what it might appear to others that 
what you were or might have been was not 
otherwise than what you had been would
have appeared to them to be otherwise."

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll

This certainly has me going in circles!
Come join me at Jillsy Girl for One Word Wednesday


  1. :) I just watched Tim Burton's Alice this past weekend...

  2. my head is spinning in circles!! wonderful!! :-)

  3. Lewis Carroll - if EVER a person talked in circles, it was him! I referenced him sometimes in Philosophy essays I had to write in University ... spirals, circles and spins.

    I love your picture ~ a portal for many a creative meander.

  4. Love it - a wonderful spin on 'circle'!
