Wednesday, August 4, 2010


 One of our spring chicks laid her first eggs yesterday!

August is a time for enjoying the last days of summer and maybe slowing those busy days down a little (as much as you can with two young kids :).  I'm joining the August Break.  Funny,  the expectations I put on myself.  I love all that I'm doing, but have this crazy rule to try to keep my Blog Camp 365 pictures as separate as possible and not to duplicate those photos for blog posts.  For some reason I thought I was cheating to do so.  Well,  this month I'm going to combine the two with this break and maybe take a bit of simplicity under my wing.


  1. So funny...I felt the same way with BC365 and my blog! So good to see you again!

  2. Brown eggs...they remind me of my youth...gathering eggs at my grandparent's farm.
