Monday, September 28, 2015

Did Not Disappoint

Last night's super moon lunar eclipse did not disappoint.  We walked out to the road several times during the first hour as the moon did not rise above our tree line until about nine.

Then we watched from different places in the yard.  B brought out his spotting scope and set it up so that we could get a really close up view, and we all took turns watching it that way too.

As the scope needed to be readjusted periodically at it's moving target, the kids also took some time for star gazing.

Possibly the best shot of the night was taken with an iPhone, carefully lined up with he spotting scope to capture some of the red of the blood moon.

Even this morning, I was struck by the full setting moon.  Thankfully the clouds held off during the eclipse, and now they shroud the moon making it look almost spooky as we head into October.

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