Thursday, April 17, 2014


It is hard to believe that she is thirteen years old.  In the last year especially we have caught glimpses of the young adult that she is growing up, far too quickly, to be.  She is confident, active, witty, smart, sarcastic, thoughtful and caring to name a few.  We are oh so proud.  Our wish for her is that as she grows and changes, she continues to be true to herself.   She should place trust in her good sense and solid instincts to guide her while knowing that her forever sounding boards are just a room, text or phone call away and always ready to help. She will forever be our 'squid', and never too old to snuggle.


  1. She's a lovely young woman. Congratulations!

  2. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!
    Lovely post.
    I, too, feel that they grow up too quickly.. but it sure is amazing watching them become the people that they are.
    Enjoy your Easter tomorrow!
