Friday, June 14, 2013

Preparing for the Solstice

Since we will be headed out of town late next week to visit family, I will not be around for the solstice celebration that we have been planning at the Eco Justice Center. What better way to participate, than gather with a couple of ladies at the farm and spend a couple of hours hand dying solstice prayer flags.  Our goal was a sunny disposition to the flags that will be placed on sticks and carried in a parade celebrating the wonderful wildness of summer. 

This is my first time dabbling in dyeing and it was so easy and lots of fun.  A couple of things that I learned, at least when dealing with turmeric.....

It does not take much.  The recipe that we were using indicated 1 cup of turmeric to four quarts of water, that seemed like a lot and I can assure you that two quarts of water heated with 2-- .75 oz Jars of turmeric was plenty.   We hand twisted the fabric in a tie die fashion, and just held the little 8x7 flags in the hot water for about 30 seconds (until we could feel the hot water seeping up into the knot we were holding).  We set them aside on a plate until we were done, then took them outside, unfolded them and hung them to dry.  That is it.  Simple, beautiful, natural.

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