A few years ago, I began a series of posts called Preservation Sunday. It just seemed that was the time when much of our food storage would take place. Today as the temperatures are beginning to soar and I am in doors from the garden, I decided to take care of some of this weeks harvest. On Friday we harvested about 10 pounds of Rhubarb. Today, in the spirit of the wonderful cordials that I began making last year, I made a rhubarb cordial...and I must say it's amazing!
I started with a bunch of rhubarb, this was just under 4 1/2 pound. I cleaned it, trimmed the ends, then gave it a large chop and tossed it into a big pot.
Then added 1 3/4 cups of water, brought it to a boil then reduced the heat and allowed it to simmer for 30 minutes.
At this time I strained all of the
rhubarb, carefully trying to catch every last drop until I was left with
this amazing pink liquid.
I returned the liquid to my big pot and added 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Once
again I brought it to a boil stirring frequently, and then simmered it
for 5 minutes.
During this time I skimmed off the foam. Once done, pour it into sterilized bottles, refrigerate, and enjoy! A little time consuming, but very easy and with great rewards.
You add one part cordial to two parts liquid. It is as simple as mixing it with a little ice water, or a great additive to lemonade or soda water. My personal favorite is to add some to a glass of white wine. So many uses, and never enough cordial. It always disappears much too fast, but I guess that works out, because I'll soon be on to all of the berry cordials.