Monday, June 6, 2011

Since the Last Time......RIP

 This weekend has been one full of events, and full of unexpected emotion.  A dear friend of B's from veterinary school passed away on Friday.  He and his wife were part of this small group of fantastic friends that came together by living through the mutual rigor of professional school, yet were able to also do a fair amount of playing at the same time. 

Though I became a part of this group toward the end of their schooling, my memories are no less vivid and now closing in on twenty years later, our periodic and intense meetings are always a joy.   Forty-three was far too young for an end.  Sudden ends out of despair make you re-evaluate all of those things that you find so important,  yet take for granted.  Those types of friendships for one,  even though being thrown back together like no time has passed is the result, why should there be a precipitating event?  A wedding.  A funeral.  Do not let the excuse that 'life happens' create an excuse for drifting apart.  Hug your kids, your spouse, your dear kindred friends, appreciate them to their fullest.  Do not take anything for granted.   Don't allow the funeral be the event where you are "seeing all those people I ain't seen since the last time somebody died" (Lyle Lovett)

Rest in Peace Bob
My love and heart are with you Sue


  1. Wonderful words of advice - sending my sympathies and saying prayers for all of you!

  2. So sorry you have lost a dear friend. *hugs*
