Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Answer My Friends...

Food, family & friends, this is the answer my friends.
Watching, in equal parts fascination & shock,  a family of moles scramble out of their hiding spot (the fire pit was a really poor choice guys)!
Listening to a pack of coyotes howl which lent itself to night-sounds and Halloween all in one.
The gentle patter of rain on your tent.
Waking to the sounds of a rooster crow and the crackle of the morning bonfire.
Precious moments outside with nothing but the elements and those around you who savor them equally. 
Being able, even if for only a short time, to just be.
The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind.

How was your weekend??


  1. went camping!! hubby and i were just talking this weekend about how long it has been since we have done that! the weather is perfect for it now. just love the smell of bacon cooking on the open grill!
