Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Illustrator

 Since Sid was very small, she's had an interest in anything crafty.  She's taken lots of different art classes through our local museum and enjoyed them all.  When I started sewing, she immediately wanted to learn.  She is so excited about my quilting, that she's also making her own blocks as we go.

As all children do, she's thought seriously and changed her mind often about what she wants to be when she grows up.  She started out wanting to be a dentist, then a veterinarian, then a cat rescue.  What seems to have stuck through all of it (at least this far) is art, specifically drawing.  I remember realizing about a year ago that she had a unique way of looking at things.  She likes to sketch and shade and work in black and white because "color is too distracting."  She has several notebooks that she keeps with her and draws in them all of the time.  This spring she took the title of her favorite book series and drew it as a very cool caricature, in black and white of course.

Like her dad and I, she feels very drawn by the importance of family.   So it was interesting the other day when on the way home, she seemed to be reconciling what she wanted to do.  As she was drawing in the back seat of the car she announced:

"I want to be an illustrator, that way I can do what I love, go into work once and a while, and stay home with my family."

She will continue to grow and develop new ideas of what she wants to be as she experiences more and more of life.  I think her priorities and heart are in the right place.   Certainly, wherever she ends up, creativity will be an important part of who she is.

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