Wednesday, September 15, 2010


 What is a little boy to do with new found tooth fairy money that's burning a hole in his pocket?? 

Here on the homestead, the previous owners had set up two standards and had poles mounted for volleyball and bad-mitten.  We've had them up all summer and Charles had really taken a liking for and gotten quite good at bad-mitten.  

Lucky for us, my kids both love going antiquing and to garage sales.  Charlie was disappointed that he couldn't attend Belle City's second annual Rummage for Rescue on Sunday, and he couldn't wait to get to work Monday morning and shop through the left overs.  He was beaming ear to ear when he found this old set of bad-mitten rackets with two shuttlecocks, that he was thrilled had metal washers holding the rubber part on so they wouldn't "pop off."  He brought them up front and very seriously asked Julie, how much?  He was very proud to part with his hard earned tooth dollar in order to make his purchase!


  1. I haven't played badmitten in years! what a find he made!
