The weather has been amazing and the garden is humming away. This weekend we will seed the remaining summer crops. B purchased 60 feet of mining conveyor belt which he is re-purposing into circular raised Mellon and squash beds.
B has also been working on a solar heating system for the pool which is just about finished and should work wonderfully.
Our chicks are set to arrive just prior to mid-month and I look forward to raising a new flock of egg layers along with this seasons meat birds. We have had quite a drought of eggs from our aging and diminishing flock this year and I am looking forward to an abundance of eggs once again this fall. So with the expectation of their arrival we have moved the chicken tractor to new digs behind the garden.
The peonies are just starting to open. This year the evolution is seamless. We had two full weeks of lilacs blooming, and just as the final buds have withered, the peonies are making their entrance.
We are getting scattered thunderstorms this afternoon and after the mornings work, it is a welcome respite, to sit back listen to the rain and gaze upon the progress. As we weeded, trimmed and reorganized a few things in the garden this morning, we found the fruits of our labor from propagating our own monarch haven. We have a mini milk week forest that is growing, sure to bring some colorful friends.
The peonies are just starting to open. This year the evolution is seamless. We had two full weeks of lilacs blooming, and just as the final buds have withered, the peonies are making their entrance.
We are getting scattered thunderstorms this afternoon and after the mornings work, it is a welcome respite, to sit back listen to the rain and gaze upon the progress. As we weeded, trimmed and reorganized a few things in the garden this morning, we found the fruits of our labor from propagating our own monarch haven. We have a mini milk week forest that is growing, sure to bring some colorful friends.