Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reflect, Learn, Remember, Improve

It seems to be a week of slow food; warming soups, wholesome snacks, actually cooking the things that I pin, a simply lovely start.

While I was making the school runs today and thinking about more recipes to try, I was listening to one of my favorite radio shows.  There are always interesting conversations, and today there was a brief, yet fascinating interview with journalist Holly Finn of the Wall Street Journal that tore my attention away from my mental to do list.  It was about an article that she wrote last week titled 'Know Thyself'.   A fun conversation on a topic that stems from a phrase (coined by Gary Wolf; brief Ted talk here), the quantified self.   There are so many broad implications of today's technology.  Many of them are very exciting, some scary, and much uncharted.  What are you downloading?  How are you integrating technology into your life?  What are you finding out?   Are you 'reflecting, learning, remembering and wanting to improve'?  Talk of the Nation, keep it coming!

Thank you for pausing for station identification.  Now back to our regularly scheduled post....  For an awesome potato soup, check this out!  Oh the molten pepper jack cheese in there was just divine!

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