Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Then and Now

I have spent a lot of time this week trying to think back on my childhood. Searching for moments in my youth that would be similar to today. I remember being in elementary school, and having 'drop drills' these were to prepare us in case of a nuclear attack. It may have just been the innocence of youth, or maybe that I couldn't fathom that this type of thing could truly ever happen, but I don't remember ever being upset or scared by this process. I asked the kids tonight about what type of drills they had. They could, in a very matter of fact way, tell me about lock-down instructions: " the teacher locks the door, turns out the lights, and we all go to a specific corner of the room where no one can see us through the small window in the door. " I was amazed and disheartened by this description, yet at the same time so comforted by the fact that their teachers obviously presented this information in a non-threatening way. Both of the kids are aware and very sad about what happened at Sandy Hook and they asked thoughtful questions. Sidney's school all wore green and white today and celebrated an all school liturgy in remembrance, where they collected donations for the United Way of Western Connecticut.

This afternoon we had our first little smattering of snow. I took a a few moments to sit down and begin this book. The beautiful imagery allowed me to leave the heaviness of the past week even if just for a short time. I had the Christmas trees lit and could hear Sidney on the computer, typing away as she created some new story, and the smell of pine around me was intoxicating. As I looked out the window, I felt as if we were in our own little snow globe, one that I could keep the kids in, and even just for a while longer, protect their innocence.

It appears that our snow drought is about over, as a large storm is heading our way. Wishing everyone a safe week of comfort in their own little snow globes.

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