Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Word Wednesday~ Balance

 I know what you think I'm going to talk about, and though it's always a quest, I'm also on another one this year....I need to start getting myself back in shape again. 

It's funny.  I seem to have lost my core, my center of gravity, after two kids and a handful of years (well, ok, almost a decade).  Have you noticed that?  I am not quite as balanced or limber as I used to be and I hope to remedy that this year.  We have a Wii fit and it really is a cool little beast.  The balance games are fun and really show you your inadequacies talents.  Some cardio, some yoga, oh I would love to take up tai chi, but most of all on this first One Word Wednesday of the year, I plan to get back a little of my balance!

Won't you join the fun?  jillsygirl is back with One Word Wednesday!


  1. I think about getting back in shape quite often. That's all I do.... think about it. :) Great post about balance!

  2. Great post. I need to work on that too....

  3. I'm with you on this one! I got a pilates machine over the holidays and I just started with it this week and man am I sore! But, one thing about it, several of the exercises do require balance which, right now, I would not want anyone watching me trying to accomplish!! :-) Good luck with Wii!

  4. Happy New Year!

    I think the Wii system is amazing. For some reason - I do quite well in the Yoga components (I think it's all the encouragement offered through the 'Trainer'. "You're doing great!" "Keep up the good work!" "You are really balanced today!" Etc.) - - but when it comes to the games where balance is necessary, I really suck.

    I let exercise lapse in my life a few months ago ~ and I really need to remedy that. It does give me so much more energy, and I sleep better at night too.

    Great illustration of the word. I'm not sure how to capture Balance yet - but will post something soon.

  5. I am really wishing I had a Wii right now! But I do practice balance movements already without one - I read it gets worse as you get older (along with everything else!) so I'm trying to be pro-active, too. Good luck! It's a great resolution!
