Saturday, January 30, 2010

Garden Brainstorm

The first few tomatoes from last Summers harvest

A light snow, hot coffee, quite morning, the new Mother Earth News magazine, and my thoughts turn toward spring. Thinking about the garden and how to organize for this year. I loved the dehydrator last year and am inspired to plant loads of lavender so that I can continue to make sachets. We plan to increase our chickens this year for a few apparent reasons. Though we won't have much this year, installing our berry patch will bode well for the future. And the area where the old berry patch was has opened up several more rows in the main garden. Through all of these considerations I've have begun to formulate and idea. I was reading this article the other day from Domestic Sensualist and I realized that a farm box can be much more versatile than I'd first thought.

So here's my idea. This year we find a few families to receive a weekly/bi-monthly farm box from us. We'd provide the best of what's ripe, or what we've created from our farm. I'd say at the beginning of the season that we'd be looking at bi-monthly, then from Jul/August through October we'd be looking more weekly and in the fall we should also be ready to put some eggs in the boxes.

I know this is not a new idea, but why not start small and see if people we know are interested. We've considered setting up shop at the farmers market, but I like this idea better. Maybe $10 a box? Anyone interested in being a farm Guinea pig?


  1. OH, I wish I were close enough. I'd be your farm guinea pig. In a heartbeat.

  2. OK Sarrazins & Haweses, I think I can take one more family in this trial...very exciting!

  3. We'll take the last spot! - Jackie

  4. don't they call it CSA? i think you can google that and find lots of info about how to go about it.

    my husband has some colleagues in north carolina who have made a little coop and everyone grows something that they contribute. i think they even got together and planned what each would grow so that it wasn't all tomatoes come august.

    i'd love to be part of such a thing, but 'til we get our farm place, i'll have to be content with the årstiderne box. :-)

  5. Thanks Julie, there are a couple in surrounding areas, and I've just heard from a friend about someone whose trying to start a co-op here. I'm excited to learn about the possibilites and figure out what all we need to produce. You're box looks beautiful and I'm so excited to follow you on your families farm journey :)

  6. Jackie you're the third, ladies we have a quorum!
