Monday, April 11, 2016

I is for Intentional #atozchallenge

So far through the A-Z Challenge I have talked about quite a range of things.  Since this is my first time participating, I did not want to restrict myself to a theme just in case I could not stick it through the whole twenty-six letters.  I write these posts on the day they are due using whatever inspiration comes to mind in the moments of the day.  As I look back thus far I have what could be a couple of themes emerging.  However, even among these few flowing threads is a single underlying heartbeat.  In one way or another they are all about living life intentionally.  Appreciate, Balance, Compromise, Detours, Energy, Feelings from Flamenco, Galileo and Hamsa all have an intrinsic pulse.  Whether you are spontaneous or deliberate always live with intention.  An intention to enjoy, experience life to its fullest, learn and grow.  Having a broad intention to embrace life can also help you even in times of uncertainty.  It gives you a focal point for positive energy and provides some added momentum for moving forward.


  1. Agree with you, it is intention to live life fully that actually helps in in making the most of things round us.
    @bhawnasaini_yml from Yellow Mellow Life

  2. That's so true. We need to embrace whatever life offers us and only then can we be truly at peace.
    Stopping by via the AtoZ list!. Good going on your maiden challenge. :)
    @yenforblue from
    Spice of Life!

  3. A great word for the letter I!

  4. Loved this post and your selection for letter 'I'
    I am in your boat as far being a first-timer with the A to Z Challenge but then at the last minute I decided I'll test my limits and go with a theme.
    My favorite line in your post is "Having a broad intention to embrace life can also help you even in times of uncertainty."

    Keep up the fantastic work.

    @theerailivedin from The Era I Lived In
