Saturday, April 2, 2016

B is for Balance #atozchallenge

Almost exactly seven years ago I opened this blog with a post titled the same.  Balance.  I was then at the beginning of a wonderful journey.  I was just starting to explore photography, what html meant, and how to put myself out there and meet other bloggers.  I was recently contacted by a grad student at USC who wanted me to participate in a study he was doing on what compels people to share of their lives online.  Though I did not engage his request, I have thought back on my original motivations.  It makes me smile to think about the wonderful community of friends that has resulted from my writing in this little space.  Some who may always be 'virtual' ones like the best of pen pals, others who I have met in 'real life'.

I have also learned a bit about balance.  It is something that we all strive for, but what I have realized over time is that balance is not a static state.  You do not just find it and freeze frame.  You have to actively engage balance.  Do your most perfect yoga tree pose, then catch whatever life throws at you, teeter and regain that center.  Balance may only happen in fleeting instances, but those treasured moments inspire movement forward.  It is ok not to be balanced all of the time, a little risk taking simply enhances the path you are on.  Sometimes for the good, other times may be somewhat less, but learning is growth and strength, two of my building blocks to finding balance.


  1. https://catherinechengmd.comApril 2, 2016 at 1:43 PM

    Hello and Happy A to Z Challenge Day 2! I love the premise of your blog, and I look forward to reading more. You and I both came to the 'dynamic state of balance' idea independently--if I may, here is the post in which I wrote about it:

    And, I also wrote about appreciation for the 'A' post yesterday...Kindred spirits, maybe? That would be so nice, to find another member of the cosmic tribe! :)

    My blog is only almost one year old. I hope that 7 years from now I will still be writing with consistency and conviction as you do! Have a great weekend!
    Cathy Cheng

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love the premise of your blog, and look forward to reading it. Also, I see we're neighbors! Here's to hoping yesterday was the last of the snow ;)

  2. Hello! I wrote about Balance for a Healthier and Happier lifestyle so two of us can't be wrong! I'd love you to read my post and hear your thoughts. Have a great day! Sue @Sizzling60 from
    Sizzling Towards Sixty

  3. I'm glad you stopped by my AtoZ post. This website looks wonderful and I want to return. I liked your post on Balance ..... I have one for 'M" that is similar 'Middle Ground'. Have fun with AtoZ! :)
    Mary Lou from Me In The Middle

  4. Love the aspect you've chosen... Balance. Do stop by my new blog. I'm a first timer with the A to Z Challenge. :)
    [@samantha_rjsdr] from
    Whimsical Compass
