Thursday, January 1, 2015


Another year has flown by and it was a good one.  As the dawn broke over 2015, I found myself with a few quiet moments to ease into the day and reflect on the coming year.  Elizabeth Gilbert posted on her Facebook page about New Years rituals.  Like her, the New Years Eve thing, though fun when we have done it, has never really been our main focus.  Over 20 years ago, B and I began to research different traditional foods and rituals from various cultures and the meanings behind them.  We experimented with many of them looking for the perfect fit.  Ms. Gilbert listed several ritualistic things that she has done with her family on January first.  That day when everything is new, a clean slate to begin again.  These ranged from creating intentions for the year ahead to writing down something from the previous year that you were going to let go of.

About five years ago we began hosting a New Years Day brunch for our Tastebuds group.  I realized this morning, as I pondered different ideas to incorporate into this years brunch, that this is our ritual.  Our nearest and dearest come together to break bread that we prepare as a group. We laugh, cook, drink, moderate squabbles among our ever growing and changing children, and this year we all, children and adults alike, assembled Lego Minifigs at the supper table.

In years past I have picked a word, a mantra so to speak to guide the year.  This year I do not think that I will be choosing a word to guide the whole year, more something to just to get me started down the path and help me remember priorities that may have gotten a bit blurred over time.  Refocus.

A Happiest of 2015 to you all!

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