Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One Word Wedensday~ Retreat

When I think about the word retreat, I feel the wonderful serenity of those favorite spaces that comfort and ground me.  Then quickly after, this mind of mine began to formulate these sentences:

There is no going back, only moving forward.

Enjoy every day of your life.

Live intentionally and passionately.

Stand by your decisions.

Always be an advocate for yourself and your family.

And occasionally go back to that wonderful place that centers you, and retreat into it's warm embrace.  It gives you the strength to live without retreating.

Come and join One Word Wednesday over at jillsygirl


  1. love the photo and especially your last two sentences! great post!

  2. So wise.

    I love how the picture fully illustrates the wisdom you've shared. While things look dark from the vantage point we sometimes we must stand in - there is light if we keep looking out for it, though sometimes, we must first work through the haze.

    Beautiful ...
